Welcome home.

Located in beautiful Holland, MI

Welcome to our 74 unit Spring Lane Condominium Association website. You should find everything you are looking for on the site, however if you you have any questions, comments, concerns or suggestions, please feel free to contact us. You can find the board members contact information by clicking on the menu button, titled "The Board". The following are questions often asked by those interested in the condominium lifestyle.

What is a Condominium?

The word condominium comes from a latin word meaning common ownership, or control. Ordinarily it means all the spaces inside an apartment or house. You own this space, and it is yours to decorate, maintain, and to live in. Everything else in the condominium development, the exterior, walls, the grounds, is the common property of everyone who owns a unit, and is termed "common property".

What is included in my monthly fee and how are the rates determined?

The Spring Lane Condominium Board is responsible to collecting, disbursing, and reporting on all financial matters for this association. We believe the amount we collect is very competitive if compared to a home owner that also hired out all the services we receive here.

What if I want to make a change to my condo?

You should present a written request to the Board and your request will be considered, approved or disapproved, in keeping with the bylaws.